An IPVPN network is a secured virtual communication network based on  the public internet as a transport layer. This secured network is created by a logical separation on Internet Binat’s routers and switches. In addition to securing communication, an IPVPN network can also guarantee the level of communication: latency and  jitter.

An IPVPN network is a secured virtual communication network found on public networks. This secured network is created by a logical separation on Internet Binat’s routers and switches . In addition to securing communication, an IPVPN network can also guarantee the level of communication: latency and  jitter .

IPVPN networks are mostly used to connect branches and provide a secured connection from home to the organization’s network. With such networks a secured managed service can be provided for several branches. The network administration is conducted from a central location, saving time and money on equipment, administration and maintenance.

Internet Binat provides its customers with an IPVPN network for communication between branches in Israel and around the world. Internet Binat’s IPVPN service come with a Service Level Agreement, communication prioritization and various applications (QoS), complementary security services and more.

With these networks, Internet Binat’s customers can maintain a secured and sustainable, SLA, communication between branches and server farms, and enjoy smart, safe and efficient networks.

The IPVPN network is based on MPLS infrastructure. Internet Binat provides high quality MPLS infrastructure based on equipment from Cisco.

For more information on our IPVPN services and for non-binding consultation, please contact us in a way that is convenient for you:

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